Thursday, October 2, 2014

Water Quality Monitoring Methodologies

7 Branch Creek Water Quality Monitoring Methodologies

Methodologies for monitoring are based off of monitoring conditions for mitigation/restoration sites in NE Georgia. With input from aquatic ecologists, wildlife biologists, and environmental scientists, a set of comparable parameters to be monitored has been agreed upon for these areas. Parameters to be monitored are pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature, and conductivity. These readings will be taken out of the 7 Branch Creek, a tributary to the Chattahoochee watershed. Monitoring data for the Chattahoochee River will be taken from USGS water quality monitoring stations that are set up across the Upper Chattahoochee watershed to gain a better perspective of the overall conditions of the Chattahoochee River and compare the monitoring data with the condition of the tributary (7 Branch Creek) to determine the water quality of the tributaries input into the Upper Chattahoochee Watershed system....

Rainfall data and calibration records for the Water Quality Sonde will be recorded every time a sample is taken (sonde calibration is valid for 30 days from calibration date). Samples will be taken with the water quality sonde twice a month, typically on Sunday afternoons.  Calibration for the YSI Model 556 multi-probe water quality sonde will be updated every 30 days. Below are EPA’s water quality conditions parameters and descriptions for monitoring, these specific explanations describe why the selected parameters to be monitored are important to understanding the overall condition and productivity of the monitored watershed.

You can find the entire methodology and reasoning behind criteria selection here.

1 comment:

  1. Great job on this. See my notes at and on
